ATTENTION: There have been numerous scams regarding passports. Never pay to print a completed passport form.
The library offers private coaching sessions with a Board-Certified Professional Coach. Check out our Resources page for information.
Coffee and Chocolate Bar Fundraiser - Moka Java!
Upcoming Events:
All ages are welcome at Storytime, every Friday and Saturday at 10:30
Wreath Craft Class - September 23
LEGO Club is back! The 4th Wednesday of each month.
Halloween-themed Pysanky Egg Decorating, October 21
Christmas Pysanky Egg Decorating, December 16
Holiday Observances
Thanksgiving 11/27/24 - Closing at 1:00pm
Thanksgiving 11/28/24 - Closed
Thanksgiving 11/29/24 - Closed
Christmas 12/24/24 - Closing at 1:00pm
Christmas 12/25/24 - Closed
Christmas 12/26/24 - Closed